A Makeup Bag Must-Have: Beauty Blender!

In 2007, the OG blender entered the beauty room, making it simpler to mix one's foundation smoothly, giving it an airbrushed-like look. Therefore, it has a considerable effect on beauty consumers worldwide. Many brands have begun to manufacture affordable and quality versions of a beauty blender , just like the best in the game, Blue Heaven Cosmetics. ● First, put the blender under the water for a couple of minutes to absorb some of the water to prevent rips and tears. Post that, push the excess water to extract it and now you can put it to use. The more the blender is saturated, the less the product is swallowed up. ● Among the most common blending errors is when, while applying the substance, people use the blender in a swiping or sliding motion. When in fact, the real power of the blender lies in making you dab the liquid into the skin and press it to give it an airbrushed look. ● Apply all of you...